Welcome To National Missing Pet Rescue Network

Pawsitive Home A New Project To Help Pet Owners In Need Of Food, Medical Care, & Legal Help To Keep Pets With Families, Happy, Safe, & Out Of Shelters.

Apollo Project, helping keep puppies safe!

Helping Shelters, Rescues, & Owners Find Furever Homes For Their Pets

Help pets that have been found to be reunited with their owners

Helping Fur Parents find their missing pets

Helping pet owners everywhere locate missing and stolen pets and reunite them, as well as helping educate pet owners about the new threats to our fur babies, and share helpful legal info about protecting pets. After discovering all that we have, we no longer help with "re-homing" of any pets.

Cheyenne York Foundation

1235327_10151838714110272_670715864_nThe Cheyenne York Foundation fighting for many causes such as #animalrights #homelessness #hunger #childabuse #stalking #humantrafficing #cancer


Cheyenne Wolf Sanctuary

cheyenne wolf sanctuaryWolves are natures beauty in every way, but they're almost all gone. Wolves play a significant role in ecosystem health. We hope to open a wolf & hybrid Sanctuary to save as many as we can.


Our Founders

999167_10151798210185272_836800320_nMeet our founders Tina York  Chelsea York & Dalton York And our Fur Babies


Pawsitive Home

phNew Project To Help Pet Owners In Need Of Food, Medical Care, & Legal Help To Keep Pets With Families, Happy, Safe, & Out Of Shelters

10th Jan 2014

Sign Our Petition

I have started a petition to get the u.s department of justice to help me get my pets back sooner. Please take a moment to sign it & then share...

28th Dec 2013

When your pet is missing

Things to do when your pet is missing: There seems to be a very large rise in peoples dogs coming up missing from their yards, even out of their house....

02nd Dec 2013

Pets stolen by corrupt animal control/shelter

Please help us locate our pets. They were illegally taken from us by our corrupt animal control/shelter for false reasons which I have kept proving false every time they use...

14th Oct 2013

Why We Started

How we started I’m a full believer in everything good or bad happens for a reason. Our story is one of those. I’ve been an animal lover since I was born,...

14th Oct 2013

New Website

 Welcome to our new interactive website. We hope once the site is 100% finished that it’s once of the most helpful sites in bringing your missing fur baby home. We...

14th Oct 2013


Ntlpetrescuenw stands for ‘National Missing Pet Rescue Network’. We are animal lovers and owners who decided to start and do as much as we can for those that need help...

15th Jun 2012

No Kill Fake

Someone recently shared an article with me that was written in 2012 about MAS supposedly claiming to be a No Kill Shelter his first year working as a director. Now...
